August 30, 2019
Last night we had a very brief cameo on The One Show - what an adventure!
As the main guests, Cara Delevingne and Orlando Bloom, are both very interested in sustainable and ethical fashion the team decided to feature brands, like us, who are on a mission to rescue materials. It was great to finally meet Georgia, the founder of Wyatt & Jack, who has been rescuing beach chairs, bouncy castles and inflatables for ten years.
First, the guests were challenged to examine our Overnight Bag and guess what it used to be... I can't tell you how much we loved the fact that they couldn't do it! Our aim is to truly transform a material and this was definitely a 'job done' moment.
Then we gave host, Matt Baker, a brief history of Elvis & Kresse:
And when we got to the end of the story and our work with The Fire Fighters Charity (50% of the profits from our Fire-hose Collection is donated to them), this was Cara's reaction! Mind blown.
The evening ended with two belts leaving with their proud new owners - Cara has a red fire-hose West End Belt and Orlando literally left with the belt I was wearing, which meant my jeans were a little loose on the way home. Orlando's belt is now officially on its third adventure; a fire-hose, Elvis' belt of the last 5 years (yes, I occasionally borrow Elvis' belts), and now it's off to Hollywood.
If anyone wants a full debrief, just let us know! Or download the episode on iPlayer, it was the August 29th, 2019 edition of The One Show.