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Elvis & Kresse Wholesale Catalogue

Elvis & Kresse create stunning life-style accessories by re-engineering seemingly useless wastes and combining them with traditional craftsmanship. In 2005 we launched our pioneering Fire-Hose range, made from de-commissioned British fire brigade hoses; after a distinguished career fighting fires and saving lives they were  otherwise destined for landfill.

The instant Elvis & Kresse met the London Fire Brigade they fell in love with their old hose. We scrubbed away the soot and grease that builds up after 25 years of active duty and discovered a truly remarkable, truly green textile.

All Elvis & Kresse products are hand-made and unique. The hose itself is weathered and marked, the ridges and grooves of a long life are self-evident. Some pieces may bear the printed details of the company that originally made the hose.

Fire-hose was just the beginning, with so much to save, we have grown by  creating solutions for unwanted, unloved materials. Every effort is made to transform these materials into pieces we hope will be cherished.

The prices shown below are the RRP, for wholesale prices please refer to the wholesale price list sent separately.

Women's Bags

Men's Bags
